
CYT Summer Camps

1319 W. Pinhook Rd. Suite 104Lafayette, LA 70503
Phone: 337-258-2349Email: camps@cytlafayette.orgWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Week-long musical theater day camps, an overnight teen retreat and a week long summer stock show is offered during the summer months for students ages 4-18. Camps are designed to create a hands-on theater experience, and are focused on building performance skills, self-confidence, and teamwork. Typical camps include team competitions, rotations through drama, dance, music, and craft workshops, a daily theme-related devotional, and an impressive concluding showcase for family and friends. There’s no better place for kids to learn about theater and have fun than in CYT’s positive and encouraging atmosphere - and every camper gets the opportunity to perform on stage! 

Teen Retreat13-18LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubMay 30May 31
Zombies Camp (7-10 Year Olds)7-10LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubJun 02Jun 06
Camp ‘Ohana4-7LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubJun 09Jun 13
Newsies - Teen Summer Stock Show13-18LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubJun 16Jun 29
The Wizard of Oz Youth Edition - Summer Stock Show8-12LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubJun 16Jun 21
A Wickedly Popular Camp8-12LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubJul 07Jul 11
Zombies Camp (4-7 Year Olds)4-7LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubJul 14Jul 18
The Eras Camp7-12LafayetteCYT Lafayette HubJul 21Jul 25

Business Review

"Special thanks to all of the camp leaders this week! My grandchildren loved their week at CYT Camp! If anyone is looking for a summer camp, CYT will not disappoint!" 

"Mom, it felt like home. It was amaaazing." <----my daughters description of her 1st day at CYT Camp. 

"Sign those babies up for CYT camp! My daughter had a blast!"