
Summer Safari Reading Passport for Children

June 10, 2021

Start your adventure by picking up a Summer Safari Reading Passport from the Main or Regional Libraries. From June 1st to July 31st, children (Ages 3 – 12) can travel around the parish with their family to our Main and Regional Libraries that feature five Summer Safari destinations, such as the Amazon Rainforest and Louisiana Wetlands.

At each destination, you will find engaging activities like photo ops, scavenger hunts, and displays where you can learn more about the animals that live there. Complete a special activity at each stop to earn a stamp in your passport and collect all five stamps to earn a special prize! Share pictures from your journey using the #LPLSummerSafari hashtag.

Pick up a Summer Safari Reading Passport from one of the following library locations:

Main Library African Savanna

North Regional Library On the Farm

South Regional Library Louisiana Wetlands

East Regional Library Amazon Rainforest

West Regional Library Australian Outback

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