We asked and you answered! The questions was simple; What do you wish you knew about Motherhood before becoming a mom? And what a great time to publish a local collaboration with Mother's Day just a few days away. Here are our favorite answers and I bet a few will resonate with you.
No matter what you choose for your baby -- bottle- or breastfeeding, cloth or disposable diapers, staying home or going back to work -- someone, somewhere will say you are wrong. Don't be surprised if close relatives are some of your loudest critics. The sooner you realize that the only people who matter now are in the family you have just created, the sooner you will enjoy your life as a mom. - Dana D of Youngsville (Children ages 2 & 4)
I wish that I'd known my house would become the Church of Poop! My oldest constipates just looking at a banana, and my youngest has rivers of poop. As a nurse, I should have known better; on my second day of nursing school we were asked to chart the appearance of a Snickers Bar passed around in the bottom of a bedpan (you're welcome!). Who pooped when, how much, what did it look like/smell like/feel like is the single-most charted thing in the hospital and the most frequent topic of conversation between my husband and me. At my house, we pray endlessly about poop. Dear God, please let Big Sister poop. Thank God Big Sister pooped. Oh Dear Lord, that's a lot of poop! My crappiest day was the day I walked around the corner after trying to help Big Sister poop (unsuccessfully) to find Baby Sister eating a cat poop out of the litter box. Later at the park, a kid pooped on the slide and the other kids slid through it. After driving away from the park bathrooms, Big Sister just HAD to poop. She dropped a Butterfinger in the travel potty, which then had to travel home with us. It took weeks of Febreeze to clear up the smell to the level my husband dubbed, "Poo-y Flowers." If you're ever at Walmart and hear a mom shout, "Holy Crap!" it's probably me. Do me a favor: just hand me some wipes and roll on. - Melalina B. of Youngsville (Children ages 1.5 & 4)
That there was a possibility she would have my attitude at only 4 y.o - Tracie G. of Scott (Child age 4)
Stop stressing about what you feed your kids, they lick floors and windows...occassional McDonald's won't kill them. - Carrie M. of Youngsville (Child age 13)
That you will fail. You will get back up and fail again. But your kids will always love you and it’s ok for them to see you fail as long as they see you get back up. Tell them you’re sorry if you lose your temper for no reason. Get used to spoiled milk. You will find a bottle or sippy cup half full of milk under the bed it happens. - Natalie of Broussard (Children ages 7 & 2)
Alone time or time with your spouse is RARE!!! Schedule the mani/pedi and the dinner out... or send your kid off to spend the night at grandmaw’s. Your kid deserves a happy mom, not a perfect one. - Alyssa M. of New Iberia (Child age 18 months)
Take a picture of your boobs now. They will never look this perky again. Honestly, just take a bunch of naked pictures before you get pregnant because nothing’s going to be the same after. - Dana D of Youngsville (Children ages 2, 4, & 13)
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