
Donโ€™t Procrastinate โ€“ Vaccinate!

By Christy Lenahan - Macaroni Kid Content Contributor September 13, 2018

Flu season is nearing and the time to vaccinate is now, so don’t procrastinate –

vaccinate! Getting your flu vaccine is the most effective way to prevent the flu. The Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that all persons over the age of 6 months

receive a yearly flu vaccine before the end of October. Flu season varies every year, but can

begin as early as October and end as late as May with a peak in activity between the months of

December and February. Considering it takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to take effect, it is prime

time for your flu vaccine.

Other ways to prevent flu include washing your hands frequently; covering your cough

or sneeze with tissue; avoiding close contact with someone who is sick; and remembering not

to touch your eyes, mouth, or nose. You should also clean and disinfect your home regularly

and get plenty of rest. If you do get sick – STAY HOME! The world will survive without you for a

few days and your body will heal faster if you allow yourself to rest.

Here’s a fun video to remind you of ways to keep yourself and your children healthy: