Every year the Macaroni Kid community gets together to spread kindness around the United States. We call it our Act of Kindness Day and this year we have decided to make it a week long event (September 28th - October 5th)! We not only perform acts of kindness but encourage our communities to do so as well. This year we plan on expanding on what we accomplished last year and we want all of you to be involved.
Maison de Lafayette is a nursing and rehabilitation center that provides long term care and short term rehabilitation. This facility is very familiar to our family as we have had grandparents in their care. Every time we go with our kids they manage to make a lot of the residents smile. It has become clear that many of them just need a smiling face, someone to chat with, or an activity to keep their minds busy for a bit. And that's where MK-AOK (Act of Kindness) comes in. We have plans to make all of this happen again on September 28th from 3 to 4:30 pm and are looking for a few great families with children to help us plan and execute the day. We would like to bring baked goods, drinks, and fun games for everyone.
Last year the day was truly remarkable as we not only touched residents lives but our own as well as our children. We taught the kids to put someone else's needs/wants in front of your own and step out of their comfort zone to make a resident smile.
How are we going to take it a step further this year? We were inspired by a young girls video on Facebook. She went to a nursing home and simply visited with the residents and asked them what their needs/wants were and then set out to make those desires come true. Next weekend my children and I plan to visit with the residents and ask them the same questions and put together a list. We need the communities help in fulfilling this list prior to September 28th when we will deliver the requests and spend the afternoon visiting, playing games, eating sweets, and making fond memories. If you wish to participate either in shopping for items or visiting on September 28th or both please fill out this form by clicking here for further contact. We need a team to make it all happen for sure!
And if you cannot participate at this day and time please do not let that stop you from performing an Act of Kindness on September 28th and sharing it on Facebook with us! Use the #MKAOK and #MacKidLafayette. Let's spread Kindness!
Sign up to participate by clicking here.