Over 87 million Americans participate in recreational boating annually. Not surprisingly, Southerners use their
boats the most, an average of 17.5 days per year. And you can bet, as the Sportsman’s Paradise, Louisiana ranks
high on the list in recreational boat use. Boating is a great way to bond with your child, but remember to always
follow safety precautions!
First and foremost, anyone 16 and under should wear a weight appropriate life jacket at all times. If there are no
life jackets for your child’s weight, opt for a babysitter until they weigh a little more. For very young children, make
sure you are holding on to them and wearing your own life jacket...just in case.
Kids are pretty resilient, but babies and the very young can get cold easily. To avoid hypothermia, make sure you
have a dry blanket or towel to wrap them in if they get cold. For older children, develop and discuss rules and
expectations such as keeping hands and feet in the boat at all times. Finally consider taking a boating safety
course with your child - it will keep you safe and allow for additional bonding time!