
Lafayette Now Offering Live Transit Information in Google Maps

May 7, 2015
In an effort to make Lafayette’s public transit more user-friendly, Lafayette Transit System (LTS) announced today that it has partnered with Google Maps to feature local bus information including stops, routes and schedules.


When travelers are accessing routes via Google Maps, public transit directions will now appear as an alternative to driving directions within the LTS service area. By clicking the transit option, users are seamlessly linked to their LTS route and can select preferences for the most direct route, via stop/station icons that appear on the map. 


“We are excited to make navigating public transit easier for current users and new riders. There are a lot of cars on the road and we’ve been working to promote transit service as an alternative to single-occupancy vehicles in order to alleviate traffic and congestion,” said City- Parish President Joey Durel. “We really hope people will access Google Maps and see for themselves the ease and convenience with this new feature.”


According to Chief Development Officer Carlee Alm-LaBar, the partnership assists the existing rider base and potential transit riders in ways identified in the comprehensive plan: “Before this opportunity with Google Maps, locating and interpreting Lafayette’s public transit schedule could be intimidating and confusing.  This is just one more step towards achieving our community’s vision of ‘enhanced transit service’ and ‘increased ridership’ through PlanLafayette.”


The transit feature on Google Maps is just the beginning of anticipated enhancements to increase interest and participation on city buses.  Public Works Director Kevin Blanchard who oversees traffic and transportation says, “This is one in a series of planned improvements to our transit system. Stay tuned for more!”


For information on Lafayette Transit Service, including all rates, routes for day and night-time service, para-transit service and more, visit