
Editor's Note

August 28, 2014
As always Welcome Back! The calendar is starting to fill up after having slowed down for the start of school. My family and I are super busy this week moving to a new home. I am hoping the transition plays out smoother than I foresee:) 

This weekend you have your pick of events to attend. There is a Zydeco Festival, Back to School Bash, and UL Football!!! That is just a few among the many events available. Be sure to read through the entire newsletter to find the perfect fit for your family:) 

Click here to follow us on Facebook! Updates are posted daily that may have not made it in the newsletter. On all articles there is an option to Pin It or like it on Facebook. Please take advantage of these functions to save crafts and recipes on your Pinterest page and also to spread the word on Facebook about Macaroni Kid! Feel free to invite your friends to follow us as well. 

Have a great week entertaining, stimulating, and exhausting your kids!