
Barnum & Bailey® presents Super Circus Heroes!

June 19, 2014

  • ALL NEW SHOW! We say that every year – but we’re not kidding! OVER NINE NEW ACTS! This is by far the best show ever!

Just a peak at the new talent we have this year…

  • New “Clown Alley” featuring Andrew & Ivan!
  • Meet DAVIS! award-winning clown Davis Vassallo makes his American debut as “Mr. Boredom.” He becomes inspired by the superhuman abilities of the featured elite league of Super Circus HeroesSM and ultimately realizes his unique comedic ability to entertain was right in front of him all along. Throughout the show, Davis performs classic acts encouraging children from the crowd to join in, including a hilarious musical chair routine.
  • Cathy Carden features an all new dog and pony act that will have you laughing in your seats! Don’t miss seeing 3 Elephants (including CAROL the elephant), 3 camels, 2 horses, 3 miniature ponies, and 19 dogs!!
  • The SHAOLIN TROUPE comes all the way from CHINA! you’ll see seven artists use their incredible focus and power to smash through wooden boards, break thick bamboo reeds with the lightening strength of their hands and feet and shatter solid steel bars with their foreheads!
  • Only at Ringling Bros. can you see real super heroes fly! The Cuban Comets are an energy-fueled, elite team of 10 that soars into a series of high-octane flips that are launched from a teeterboard. Children of All Ages will delight in anticipation as each person soars into the air achieving unimaginable heights. This heroic group will catapult a member from the end of the long teeterboard into a never before attempted quadruple back flip caught by a chair held mid-air.
  • The DUO VARNAS present to you a brand new Aerial Strap Act! All the way from Bulgaria, these men have bulging biceps and unwavering strength! The Twin Titans  have combined the forces of hand balancing and aerial straps. With precision so perfect, they make every pose look natural. Miroslav and Nikolay unite their powers suspended by aerial straps only 2.5 inches wide and with no give; they use the resistance of each other to form indescribable heroic poses high above the arena floor.
  • The Lightning Rods are a trio of hand-balancing Russian super-vixens whose incomparable flexibility, grace and control challenge limits. Evgeniia Bortnikova, Anatasiia Vashchenko and Margarita Kozynbaeva use astonishing contortion and calculating dexterity to build shocking positions and reach inconceivable heights.
  • Karlyn and Elly come all the way from Australia as Dancers in the show!

  • Playing June 26-29th
  • OPENING NIGHT TICKETS are $10! Valid on the Thursday, June 26th performance at 7pm only. Not valid on VIP seats. Additional fees apply. No double discounts.
  • KIDS’S TICKETS are just $10 to ALL PERFORMANCES! (not valid on VIP price levels. Additional fees apply. Kids ages 2-12.)
  • Limited “Ringside” Floor seats are available! Purchase early to get the best seats!
  • FREE SUPER HERO TRANING CAMP & ALL ACCESS PRE-SHOW included with every ticket! Come one hour early to meet the performers, see the animals and go back stage!

June 25th 11:30am - 1:30pm 2nd Annual Trunks & Trucks show!

Come join in the fun!There will be activities for kids and lunch provided by local food truck vendors. Meet a star of Super Circus Heroes and eat lunch with the superheroes of The Greatest Show on Earth!The event has no admission, but some activities are for purchase. Wear your favorite superhero attire or costume and receive a savings offer to Ringling Bros. Presents Super Circus Heroes playing the CAJUNDOME June 26-29!
KSMB FM will have a Blood Mobile at the event. The community is encouraged to ‘Be a superhero and donate blood to save a life!’ Each donation will receive two free ticket vouchers to the show!